7 Easy Tips To Reduce Stress
There are 7 easy tips on how to reduce stress and bad emotion. Have a try!

- Smile
Even when you're angry, try to make a smile. Your anger can be decreased and you will fell better. Don't believe it?. Have a try! - Tidy Up Your Bedroom
Messy bedroom will make you more stress. Put your dirty clothes into a special basket, tidy up your bedstead and wash up your coffee cup. Don't let ants partying in your favorite cup! - Wear Blue T-shirt
A blue colour is well known for it's coolness. Wear this colour of cloth to make you feel cool. But don't wear an orange cloth because it can excite a hot spirit. Red and purple colour are well known to stimulate energy. - Hear Your Favourite Music
Hear your favourite music to excite good feeling. It will make you feel happy. - Refresh Your Appetite
Make a difference in your daily diet. Don't know how? It's simple like this; add a few slices of strawberry into your fruit salad or put a slice of peace into your peanut butter. Have a try! - Take a Smell on Lemon
Cut a lemon into a few slices and put them into your drink. The fresh smell from the
lemon slices can stimulate your body to be more active. - Stroke Your Pet
It's good to have pet. Stroke your pet after coming back from work. It can make you feel good.
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