Depression - Part 1: What is depression and the Symptom of Depression

Depression is not;
- A while sadness
- God’s punishment
- Intentionally unwilling to work
- Self weakness
Depression is;
- A sad feeling and a feeling to be alone that happen almost everyday.
- A lost of enjoyment in life or in whatever things doing.
- Intentionally unwilling to work.
- Less interested in all things include in oneself.
- A problem of ‘psychomotor agitation’ and ‘psychomotor retardation’
- A feeling of not worthy or guilty without a concrete reason and always feels useless.
- A desiring and dreaming to suicide.
- When one start losing expertise and the focus to the environment.
A few symptoms of woman's depression;
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
- Infertility and Depression.
- Pregnancy Loss and Depression.
- Antepartum Depression.
- Pospartum Depression.
- Menopausal Mood Disturbance.
- Gynecological Cancers and Depression.
What Causes Depression;
- Genetic Factor;
- Genetic is one of the cause of depression. There was a case where depression caused to suicide.
- Biology Factor;
- Psychology Factor;
- Social Situation and Environment;
- The lost/death of someone beloved.
- Divorce.
- Financial problem.
- Problem at work.
- It can happen when the chemical; serotonin and norepinephriene in the brain are less produced and this will make and individual in stress.
- The psychology disorder that causes depression is a difference of thinking pattern of that person. There's among of us who always in imagination , think negative and hallucinate of hearing something.
- Social situation happen if when a person can't facing a lost or failure in her/his life. When you have problem, try to talk about it with someone you trust. Don't keep it yourself. It can harm you. Below is a few problems that usually can make someone depress;
The Symptoms of Depression;
- A long time sadness.
- Everyone in this world definitely have a feeling of sadness. Usually, a person would feel sad maximum for 5-7 days. You are said to have depression if you feel sad for the long two weeks or more.
- A daily routine disturbed.
- You are easily lost of focus even when you're in communicating with your officemate. You're fail to give full focus not only to the discussion but to the computer in front of you.
- Somantic symptom.
- Suffer from headaches.
- Over tire.
- Insomnia.
- Body illness suddenly.
- The failure function of sexual/erection.
- Feel like faint. Happen in a short time but frequent.
- Non stable hormone problem.
- Lost of appetite.
- Suffer from headaches.
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